How do you assess your work in comparison to others? Each judge has 100 points to deliver, so the highest (and we admit, unlikely) score is 300/300. However, when you view your results in your account on our website, you will be shown a percentage figure out of 100, which is the average of the judges' deliberations - and the key to how your work fits in with the other entries. 
You are able to enter more than one photograph of the same subject, so in this way you can get feedback from the judges as to which version they like the best. However, please be aware that to be eligible for the International Aerial Photographer of the Year award, which is based on your top four images, if two or more of the images are too similar, the judges at their discretion may not mark you as highly. Similarly, we want 101 different aerial photographs in the book, so while you’re entitled to enter similar images, only one of yours may be selected for the book.

The judging process is as follows:

• Each Entry will be given a score out of 100 by each Judge.

• The Judges’ scores will be totalled to give a final score out of 300, then divided by 3 and presented to you as a percentage figure out of 100.

• The 101 Entries with the highest scores will be accepted for publication in the Book (the Top 101) (unless an entrant has entered two photographs that are very similar, as determined at the organisers’ discretion). Furthermore, any one entrant may not have more than four entries accepted into the top 101.

• The 20 Entries with the highest score will be judged a second time, with the highest score being deemed the International Aerial Photograph of the Year. If the top 20 Entries include two or more photographs by the one entrant that are very similar, as determined by the organisers, the highest scoring entry will be used and the other entry(s) excluded.

• The 10 Portfolio Entries with the highest aggregate will be judged separately. A Portfolio Entry comprises an Entrant’s highest scoring four Entries, as long as one of those Entries is in the Top 101. If the four highest scoring Entries for an Entrant include two or more photographs that are very similar, as determined by the organisers, the highest scoring entry will be used and the other entry(s) excluded. This may result in the Entrant's portfolio no longer being in the top 10, depending on the scores for his/her other entries. The judges will vote for the portfolio that best represents the International Aerial Photographer of the Year Award. This will be a process of consultation and discussion.

• If an entrant places first, second or third in the Photographer of the Year Award (with a portfolio of four images), this makes them ineligible for the Photograph of the Year Award (single image) and the Special Awards. Similarly if an entrant places first, second or third in the Photograph of the Year Award, this makes them ineligible for the Special Awards.

• In event of a tie for the Book, Photographer or Photograph awards, the images will be re-judged to produce the winner(s).

• Special Awards will be presented at the discretion of the judges following a process of consultation and discussion.